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Whirlpool Europe BV v European Commission  ∙ T-118/13 ∙ Annotation by Péter Staviczky

Annotation of the Judgment of the General Court (Second Chamber) of 22 June 2016 in case T-118/13 Whirlpool Europe BV v European Commission

Péter Staviczky


The present annotiation analyses the General Court's judgment of 22 June 2016 in case T-118/13 Whirlpool Europe BV vs European Commission. The judgment shed light on the difficulties to prove admissibility for competitors of State aid beneficiaries. After describing the background of the case it deals with the arguments of the parties, the General Court's resoning and draws some conclusion on the practical difficulties for third parties to submit sucessfull pleas to EU Courts.
Keywords: Admissibility; Direct Concern; Substantial Effect; Res Judicata.

Péter Staviczky, Attaché responsible for State aid, Permanent Representation of Hungary to the EU, Brussels. The article contains the opinion of the author. DOI: 10.21552/estal/2017/1/11


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