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ARTICLES - STATE AID AND NATIONAL JURISDICTIONS ∙ How to Ensure State Aid Compliance at Local and Regional Level?

Christian Berger

DOI https://doi.org/10.21552/estal/2017/3/16

Keywords: State Aid, Compliance, Local and Regional Level, Enforcement

It is the Member State which is responsible for all State aid granted by authorities on its territory. At the same time, it might not even be aware of aid which may have been granted by a regional or local authority. Local and regional authorities are like the Member State itself active in many fields, both economic and non-economic and sometimes pursue an interventionist aid granting policy on its local territory. It is therefore paramount that the State establishes structures which make sure those local and regional authorities do not grant illegal aid. Member States have adopted different approaches towards this. Most rely on soft measures such as awareness-raising and training, while other have coupled this with more organised enforcement structures or hard legislation. Both central and more federative or devolved Member States face the same problem; the latter has just moved the enforcement responsibility to a different level of government. But in the end, the Member State’s fundamental responsibility remains.
Keywords: State Aid Compliance; Local and Regional Level; Enforcement.

Christian Berger, Senior Advisor, Division for Competition State Aid and Framework Conditions, Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation, Sweden.The views expressed here are purely personal and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Swedish Government Offices.


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