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Sensitive Issues in the Regulation of Regional Aid and Its Application

Péter Staviczky


Keywords: Regional Aid, SAM, RAG, GBER, Relocation

The issues highlighted in the present paper were presented at the 15th Experts’ Forum on the New Developments in European State aid Law in Brussels in cooperation with Mr. Antonios Bouchagiar (Legal Service, EC). The main aim of the presentation was to draw attention to some of the difficulties MS face when granting regional aid to projects where large undertakings and/or relocation of economic activities might be involved.
Keywords: Regional Aid; SAM; RAG; GBER; Relocation.

Péter Staviczky, Attaché responsible for State aid, Permanent Representation of Hungary to the EU, Brussels. The views expressed in this paper are purely personal. The author is grateful for the comments of Eszter Hargita and Zoltán Bartucz both working for the Hungarian State Aid Monitoring Office.


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