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Is Hywind Tampen’s State Aid Approval a Kickstart for the Norwegian Offshore Wind Industry? · Decision 017/20/COL Hywind Tampen, EFTA Surveillance Authority · Annotation by Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui

Annotation on Decision 017/20/COL of the EFTA Surveillance Authority of 11 March 2020 on the Hywind Tampen Project

Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui


Keywords: renewable energy support, investment and operating aid, offshore wind, EEA Agreement, EFTA Surveillance Authority

On 11 March 2020, the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) declared Norway’s measure to support the development of the world’s first medium-sized floating offshore wind turbine, Hywind Tampen, compatible with the European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement. The measure consists of an investment grant of NOK 2,3 billion (equivalent to ca. €205 million) for the construction of this offshore wind farm, covering about 43% of the total costs of the project. The project seeks to reduce Norway’s carbon footprint and help it transition towards a more sustainable energy supply.

Dr Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui, Associate Professor, University of Bergen, Faculty of Law. Member of the Bergen Offshore Wind Centre (BOW). This contribution is part of the research project Governing Offshore Wind: Legal Challenges, Market Opportunities and Policy Perspectives (GOV-WIND). I would like to thank Prof. Sigrid Eskeland Schütz and Prof. Ernst Nortdveit for their comments on a previous draft. The usual disclaimer applies. All websites last accessed on 13 May 2020. For correspondence: <>.


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