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Criminal Liability – An Efficient Tool of EU State Aid Law Enforcement?

Christian Koenig, Julien Lindner

More than two years after the Commission set out the State Aid Modernisation (SAM) package, still no considerable progress has been achieved in terms of increasing the efficiency of EU State aid law enforcement at the national level in spite of severe deficiencies. Attention must therefore be given to the question of how to enhance the Member States’ compliance with EU State aid rules. This article proposes criminal liability as an efficient tool of EU State aid law enforcement. First, current deficiencies of EU State aid law enforcement are illustrated. Second, it is examined whether the granting of unlawful State aid potentially fulfils the elements of a crime, namely the crime of embezzlement of public funds, exemplified by German criminal law. Finally, some proposals for further improvements concerning the practical implementation of the criminal law approach are presented.
Keywords: Criminal liability, Embezzlement, Enforcement, GBER, Procedure before the Commission, SAM.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian Koenig LL.M. (LSE) is a director of the Center for European Integration Studies (ZEI) and a member of the Faculty of Law at the University of Bonn; Julien Lindner is a student assistant at ZEI at the Faculty of Law at the University of Bonn. The authors are grateful to Dr. Matti Meyer and Lucyne Ghazarian for the helpful discussion and their valuable assistance. See, for the criminal aspects of this article from the viewpoint of German law, Koenig and Meyer, 'EU-Beihilfenkontrolle und nationales Strafrecht‘, [2014] NJW 3547-3552.


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