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Belgian Courts and the Enforcement of EU State Aid Law:

Towards a Regulatory Framework?

Wout De Cock

DOI https://doi.org/10.21552/estal/2023/1/8

Keywords: Belgian courts, enforcement, standstill obligation, unlawful State aid, obstacles and uncertainties, regulatory framework

It is well-established that national courts play a crucial role in terms of enforcement of EU State aid law. However, it also well-known that this role is undervelopped in many EU Member States. For example, Belgian State aid courts face all sorts of uncertainties and difficulties when enforcing EU State aid law. This contribution therefore argues that the Belgian State should take (regulatory) measures to ensure that Belgian courts can enforce EU State aid law.
Kyewords: Belgian courts; enforcement; standstill obligation; unlawful State aid; obstacles and uncertainties; regulatory framework

Wout De Cock is a postdoctoral researcher at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. For correspondence: <mailto:wout.de.cock@vub.be>.


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