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The search returned 8 results.

Ex Officio Third Country Subsidies´ Review: journal article

Similarities with and Differences to State Aid Procedure

Wolfgang Weiß

European State Aid Law Quarterly, Volume 21 (2022), Issue 2, Page 132 - 142

In May 2021 the European Commission tabled a draft Third Country Subsidies Regulation which stands between trade and competition policy. This new instrument establishes a review of third country subsidies with a view to addressing the competition distortion resulting from foreign subsidies granted to undertakings economically active in the EU internal market. As the new tool complements EU State aid scrutiny with a view to foreign subsidies, the present contribution compares the general procedures and provisions of the new regulation with EU State aid law. It will be shown that despite many similarities with State aid law, considerable differences remain which can be explained by looking at the different procedural and substantive context. Keywords: third country subsidies; ex officio review; Commission discretion; procedural powers; rights of defence

The Aarhus Convention and the Exclusion of State Aid Review: journal article

The Way Forward

Wolfgang Weiß, Eva Rom

European State Aid Law Quarterly, Volume 21 (2022), Issue 4, Page 368 - 383

The Union legislator has recently amended the Aarhus Regulation with the aim of bringing it more in line with the requirements the Aarhus Convention lays down. EU State aid decisions, however, remain excluded from its scope. This exclusion raises questions that form the object of this contribution. The article argues that the arguments presented to justify the continued exclusion of State aid review are not convincing. By not complying with the recommendations of the ACCC, the EU is in clear violation of international law. Therefore, the article deliberates over the necessary changes and possible exemptions for a sound implementation of the Aarhus Convention against the procedural specificities of State aid review, considering also the Commission´s recently presented options, which contain a number of problematic aspects. Keywords: Aarhus Regulation; Aarhus Convention; Hinkley Point C; internal review; ACCC

Common Interest as a Condition for State Aid Compatibility journal article

Stig Eidissen

European State Aid Law Quarterly, Volume 19 (2020), Issue 4, Page 452 - 463

According to long-standing Commission practice, State aid must aim at or contribute to an objective of common interest to qualify as compatible with the internal market. In the recent judgment Hinkley Point C, the Court of Justice rejected the pursuit of an objective of common interest as a condition for compatibility pursuant to Article 107(3)(c) TFEU. This article takes a closer look at the origin and content of the common interest condition. Further, it discusses whether the Hinkley judgment establishes a precedent to reject a common interest condition entirely, and the possible consequences of such a precedent for State aid law and policy going forward. Keywords: State aid; compatibility; compensatory justification; common interest; judicial review

Comparing China’s Fair Competition Review System to EU State Aid Control journal article

Shuping Lyu, Caroline Buts, Marc Jegers

European State Aid Law Quarterly, Volume 18 (2019), Issue 1, Page 37 - 60

The promulgation of the Opinions of the State Council on Establishing a Fair Competition Review System During the Development of Market-oriented Systems in 2016 marked the creation of China’s Fair Competition Review System. Interestingly, a remarkable resemblance is found with the EU’s State aid control. The competition authorities of both sides also stress the importance of cooperation in this area. In June 2017 they signed a Memorandum of Understanding creating a dialogue, linking State aid control and the Fair Competition Review System. By means of a comparative analysis and expert interviews, this article focuses on two questions: i) What are the similarities and differences between the EU’s State aid control and China’s Fair Competition Review System regarding objectives, basic provisions and procedures? and ii) What are the reasons for these commonalities and differences? Keywords: China’s Fair Competition Review System; Comparative analysis; International cooperation.

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